When it comes to matters in family law, things can get very ugly very quickly. Nothing can make an already stressful experience even more nerve-wracking than having the other side start throwing out false allegations. At Lapointe Family Law, we are family law specialists in Sydney with years of experience dealing with even the nastiest disputes, and we are here to tell you that even if the other side has made false statements about you, hope is not lost!

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for false allegations to be made in family law cases, whether over how to divide property in a divorce or during custody or child care disputes. Having an allegation made about you that is blatantly false can be devastating, even more so if it seems as though the courts believe them.

Reacting To False Allegations

If a false allegation has been made, the most important thing is to stay calm. Giving in to the wave of emotion that you are likely feeling and outwardly exploding at the other party will only damage your credibility. Difficult as it may be, keep calm and get in touch with your family law specialist as soon as possible. Your lawyer will be able to give an objective opinion on how serious the allegation is and whether it will be relevant or impactful to your case. They can guide you on the next legal steps to take.

amily law specialists Sydney

The Right Way To Address False Allegations

The best way to address false allegations is to do so quickly, calmly and strategically. Though your lawyer will be able to help guide you, you would generally start by addressing the allegation in a letter sent to the other party that notes the allegation, denies it and responds to it. If you have any evidence that contradicts the allegation, now is the time to get it together in preparation to disprove it.

If the allegations have been made in an official court document or affidavit, respond in the same way. Writing your own affidavit, including any proof you may have, will tell the court your side of the story. There can be serious consequences for anyone knowingly and willfully making false allegations in a legal document like an affidavit. They may even ruin their own case.

[CTA] When disputes have gotten nasty enough that false allegations have been made, be sure to have a team of family law specialists in Sydney by your side, like Lapointe Family Law. With our firm, you not only have access to world-class attorneys and law professionals, but we will link you up with wellness and business professionals who can help you deal with the mental and emotional turmoil you may be feeling.

To find out more about our holistic approach to legal matters, visit our website.